Web design consist of many different aspects.
There are different areas in web design:
- Web graphic design
- Interface design
- User experience design
Web designers should be aware of usability as well as news trends as well as new technologies.
Interactive design and user experience
The success of the website depend on how many users it has and how many users it has depends on users understanding of how the website works. This is what user experience is. Website layout has a big effect on user experience also clear instructions and labelling. If a person understands the usefulness of the website, they are more likely to continue using it. People less used to website use may not find the advantages or usefulness of a less intuitive website interface. Most of the user experience design and interactive design are considered in the user interface design.
Most of user interface design is affected by the quality of the page layout. Designers should consider whether the site’s page layout should remain consistent on different pages. Template width should also be considered vital for aligning objects in the layout. Most pages are also centred for concerns of aesthetics on larger screens. Responsive Web Design is a newer approach that helps the user no mater what device he is using.
If you are interested in history about web design read Wikipedia.org – description of web design.
To help look for current trends there are websites dedicated on new and interesting websites witch will help you understand how a website should look.
Just a few of them:
Of course that dos not mean you have to do it exactly as other people do it you may have your idea about how your design should look like or may be you want to start your own trend. The most important thing to consider is that the design is for the user and that in the end of the day doesn’t mater how beautiful the website looks if its a mess no one will want to use it.